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On June 20-21, 2024, a Conference-Seminar of the Russian-Chinese Chamber «Current solutions in trade with China and other BRICS countries» will be held in Moscow

22 May 2024

The event will be held in person and will become a platform for the expansion of entrepreneurs in Russia, China and other countries.

The conference is held in order to deepen the study of issues and current joint projects in the field of mechanical engineering, energy and electrical equipment, consumer goods, as well as logistics and digital trade. Issues of certification and law, investment design and industrial services, assistance in import-export, and advisory support for Russian and Chinese businesses will be discussed. In addition, opportunities will be offered to promote Russian products on foreign trading platforms.

Co-organizers of the event: Center for Business Cooperation "Moscow-Beijing", MROOO "Business Russia", Russian-Chinese Guild of Commerce (SOVED), SCO Business Club, as well as the Indian Business Council, Russian-Mongolian Business Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, organizations for cooperation with countries Africa.

 Main topics of the seminar:
– Ways to solve problems of bank settlements with China, India, and the Middle East.
– Legal features of supplier selection. What to pay attention to when drawing up an agreement with foreign partners.
– Features of logistics, customs clearance and equipment certification.
– Risks and opportunities of independent procurement in China. How to check a counterparty?
– Where and how to recruit qualified employees to service foreign trade activities?
– How to train existing staff to work with China?
– Specifics of conducting business negotiations. Intercultural communications.

 Registration for participation in the Seminar: , +7 495 225 25 42 (10:00-18:00 Moscow time).

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